
Chiropractic is rooted in the scientific principle that the body is self-healing, self-regulating and self-coordinating. Your spine houses the control system of the body, called the Nerve System. Trauma, toxic exposure, and emotional stress can result in fixation and misalignment within the spine. These misaligned fixations are called subluxations. They interfere with the communication with... Read More

Chiropractic is rooted in the scientific principle that the body is self-healing, self-regulating and self-coordinating. Your spine houses the control system of the body, called the Nerve System. Trauma, toxic exposure, and emotional stress can result in fixation and misalignment within the spine. These misaligned fixations are called subluxations. They interfere with the communication within your Nerve System. As Chiropractors, we work with the body to uncover the underlying cause of your health issues and look to the spine to allow your body to heal, regulate and coordinate itself, without the use of drugs or surgery.

Hello. I am Dr. Kristina Schramm, your Spokane Family Chiropractor. I believe you were destined for an amazing life. I believe connection, to ourselves, and to others, is important for health. I am passionate about empowering you and your whole family. I am thrilled to be helping my community connect and thrive with Chiropractic care!

Hello. I am Dr. Kristina Schramm, your Spokane Family Chiropractor. I believe you were destine... Read More

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Located at: 1902 West Francis Avenue, STE 105, Spokane
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